
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Centennial Celebration of Grand Central

This Friday, 22 February 2013, marks the centennial anniversary of Grand Central.

Grand Central is not an unfamiliar place to our family, since both my sister's and brother's families reside outside NYC, with several family members working and studying at Cornell.

Right after Sandy, we rode the train to have a 38-year reunion with two of my former classmates at East Japanese Restaurant. Paul shot many memorable photos before and after. Later we visited our big niece in her lab at Rockefeller University. As we had to go home, our niece accompanied us all the way to Grand Central, by using all side streets and alleys. We did not have wait for long for our express train the way normally passengers had to. With our niece's precise calculations, we only had two minutes before the train was leaving for Croton-Harmon Station.

The permanent scene of people waiting and boarding at Grand Central and other stations is best described by NPR's photo show.

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