
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Resilence Show Coming Down at Cruzio

14 August 2013 was a busy day for Paul, working, attending his long waited lecture by Hitoshi Murayama. In the late after he took down his 30 art works from Cruzio, and got ready for his China-India show at 2014 PVAC (Pajaro Valley Arts Council) with other 5 local photographers.

The show at Cruzio is a success, getting lots of attention from media and friends. I am glad that our May New York reunion intertwined and inspired the whole event.

Hitoshi Murayama at Rio Theatre

Yesterday 8:00 pm, 14 August 2013, Paul and I went to a lecture entitled Quantum Universe by Yotoshi Murayama at Berkeley and University of . It was quite an adventure for me to experience the community's zest for dark matter and dark energy. The whole theatre was packed; all tickets were sold out before the lecture. After the lectures, the audience were limited to only 10 minutes' Q&A.

Murayama's lecture was focused on a number of questions, with a predominant emphasis on where we came from. His saying that we are from star dust seems to be kindred to religious interpretation of our being from dust to dust.

Murayama is an extremely good presenter of a gigantic topic, familiar with his subject areas and his audience, old and young. He has introduced us to some well-known scientific experiments being conducted in Switzerland and Japan.

At a quantum or personal level, I was reassured that our sun would have a collision in 4 billion years. It has always been a childhood scare of mine ever since my next door friend told me that the world would explode soon. As an extra bonus, we saw the long time-no-see Ling at the entrance and sat together through the lecture.

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