
Friday, August 29, 2014

Groundhog at First Sight

 Ever since Groundhog Day debuted in 1993 starring Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, and Chris Elliott, I have always regarded it as a mythical figure until the day before yesterday when Paul watered the side bush and disturbed a cat-size creature in my sister's backyard. It ran away along the brick path, through the gate and disappeared.

Since it is neither a cat, nor a dog, nor an opossum, nor a skunk, nor a racoon, Paul checked Internet and IDed the being and confirmed Hui's findings not long ago. Apparently her abundant backyard provides a haven for at leas one big guy. That has explained why some of her flowers, plants and vines were broken or chucked away, as no deer could easily venture in over her high fence.

According to Wiki, groundhog (Marmota monax) is also known as a woodchuck, whistle-pig, or land-beaver or 土拔鼠 in some areas. It is a rodent of Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Books on Cassette

As of May 6, 2013, books on cassettes were to be discontinued at SCPL, thus ending a category since 1980's, another victim of fast growing technology. The discontinuation is per explicit order of cms manager.

So far, 6 requests have been cancelled for brand-new titles.

Through Our Lenses

In collaboration with Santa Cruz County Bank, Pajaro Valley Arts Council (PVAC) has curated  Through Our Lenses, a photography exhibit on China and India, August 27 - October 12, 2014 at PVAC gallery, and September 5, 2014 – January 9, 2015 at 5 Santa Cruz County Banks.

Paul has been selected as one of the six finest travel photographers in Santa Cruz County to exhibit his works created in his year-and-a-half in P. R. China, Philippines, India and Bangladesh in the mid 80s when the region was not impacted by global economy, plus half a dozen subsequent trips to China. His photography is known for its candid portrayal of regular people in the ordinary urban or rural street, a setting Henry Miller values most highly, “In the street you learn what human beings really are; otherwise, or afterwards, you invent them. What is not in the open street is false, derived, that is to say, literature."

Here are a number of major links to the exhibits:

1. Arts Council Santa Cruz County:
2. First Friday Santa Cruz:
3. Good Times:
4. PVAC Official Invitation:
5. Santa Cruz County Bank in Collaboration with PVAC:

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