
Friday, August 22, 2014

Through Our Lenses

In collaboration with Santa Cruz County Bank, Pajaro Valley Arts Council (PVAC) has curated  Through Our Lenses, a photography exhibit on China and India, August 27 - October 12, 2014 at PVAC gallery, and September 5, 2014 – January 9, 2015 at 5 Santa Cruz County Banks.

Paul has been selected as one of the six finest travel photographers in Santa Cruz County to exhibit his works created in his year-and-a-half in P. R. China, Philippines, India and Bangladesh in the mid 80s when the region was not impacted by global economy, plus half a dozen subsequent trips to China. His photography is known for its candid portrayal of regular people in the ordinary urban or rural street, a setting Henry Miller values most highly, “In the street you learn what human beings really are; otherwise, or afterwards, you invent them. What is not in the open street is false, derived, that is to say, literature."

Here are a number of major links to the exhibits:

1. Arts Council Santa Cruz County:
2. First Friday Santa Cruz:
3. Good Times:
4. PVAC Official Invitation:
5. Santa Cruz County Bank in Collaboration with PVAC:

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