
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Seeing the Phantom of the Opera

This morning, several colleagues of mine asked me how my NY trip was. Needless to say, seeing the Phantom of the Opera in the Majestic Theater is one of the highlights of the trip.

Thanks to Hui and Wendy, Paul and I hopped on to the train from Station Croton/Harmon to Grand Central on the mid-afternoon of December 15, 2009. The train ride was by no means dull, accompanied first by a singing man in the compartment, and then Hudson River all the way outside the windows.

Before the show, we spotted a humble but authentic Italian pizza place around the corner of the theater. Afterwords, we stayed in the one of the lines for the opening. According to the security guide, we were very lucky to have a temperature 20 degrees higher, rather than lower that evening.

The show was fantastic, with a full and international audience. We were surrounded by many languages, German, Russian, Italian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc. According to the official version, the Phantom is "Winner of 7 1988 Tony Awards including Best Musical, and now the longest-running show in Broadway history." To explore more, please go to its official website.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lee Anne and her kids have sent us their early Thanksgiving greetings.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mariza in Santa Cruz

Twenty-four hours ago, Paul and I were sitting in Rio Theater, enjoying Mariza and her band performing.

It was indeed a memorable show, with diverse audience (even though more than half of it consisted of Portuguese descendants or natives), supreme vocal and instrumental performance. Besides her wonderful rendition of Fado, Mariza displayed time and again her love and appreciation of her audience. Before the end of her last but one song, she came down from the stage, shaking hands systematically with us audience. She ended her concert by throwing away her microphone, singing purely as she used to do when she started her Fado career at age of 5. Joined her singing as well are her two favorite musicians, guitar and Portuguese guitar players.

What a night. We ended our evening by treating ourselves to her latest album: Terra.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mariza in Town

Tonight at 8 pm, Paul and I are going to a live performance by Mariza at Rio Theater. Mariza is Portugal's Fado queen. We actually heard about her through Alan Banks, a fictitious character created by British mystery writer, Peter Robinson. More info can be found at her website.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where Is Ying Now?

Ying has just visited Taiwan after attending a news conference. The followings are some news clippings about his last trip to Taiwan.

----- Forwarded by Ying Huang/Watson/IBM on 11/04/2009 09:32 AM -----

Dear Dr. Huang and Professor Lin,

Following the awareness of IBM thought leadership on Cloud agenda generated from GCG Lab Open Day in October, we held a IBM/NTHU joint announcement regarding the plan of Pangoo Cloud Service in Taiwan on November 2nd when is into the beginning of Cloud Week, so that beating Microsoft's Cloud Forum and media gathering hosted by Steve Ballmer today.

A total of 24 journalists from 21 media outlets attended this event. Below please find the first cut of media coverage generated from Taiwan as a result of the media event. The key message of the joint announcement focused on the key technology and successful running model of Pangoo Cloud project with partners in WUXI and TsingHua as the first adopter of IBM's Pangoo Cloud Service Platform for its service innovation lab called SOIL (Service Open Innovation Lab). IBM/NTHU will collaborate closely to build a friendly could environment for ISV/SI in Taiwan and will greatly benefit them as well.

Will keep you posted on the upcoming coverage. Many thanks for your all great help and support to the positive and influential PR outreach.

Digitimes - IBM China Research Lab introduces cloud services to Taiwan
Marvin Ma, Taipei; DIGITIMES [Tuesday 3 November 2009]

Beijing-based IBM China Research Laboratory (CRL) and the Institute of Service Science (ISS) under Taiwan's National Tsing Hua University on November 2 jointly announced cooperation to replicate CRL-developed Pangoo Smarter Cloud Services in the Taiwan market.

In cooperation with the government of Wuxi City, eastern China, CRL recently established the Pangoo Smarter Cloud Services application platform set up on the top of an IBM-developed infrastructure platform, according to CRL senior manager Huang Ying.

The cloud service platform aims to enable local ISVs to provide cloud-computing-based SaaS for SMBs as well as to develop and try out innovative applications, Huang pointed out.

Digitimes 電子時報- 雲端運算大熱門 IBM攜手清大推雲端服務育成平台
2009/11/03 Digitimes/2/網通馬培治

雲端運算(Cloud Computing)議題持續發燒,甫在大陸無錫設立雲端服務平台供獨立軟體開發商(ISV)使用的IBM,在台灣宣布與清華大學服務科學研究所合作,採用IBM雲端服務平台基礎架構,結合清華大學的專案研究,研究新的服務模式與機會,利用雲端運算技術進行新興服務模式的研發與驗證。



為了將該概念推展至台灣,IBM找上清華大學服務科學研究所,透過經濟部工業局提撥給清大的預算,進行服務開放創新實驗(Service Open Innovation Lab;SOIL)的專案研究,希望透過底層的雲端運算平台,進行創新服務模式的驗證,作為未來育成新企業、商業化專案的參考。

雲端運算已成為資訊科技領域最熱門的話題之一,根據Gartner發布的2010年全球前10大企業科技趨勢預測,雲端運算便名列第1,此外,台灣不少資訊業者也將雲端運算視為未來重點發展項目,例如廣達、鴻海、趨勢科技、中華電信等,都相繼發表相關投資與研發計畫。其中,中華電信更將與微軟 (Microsoft)在4日宣布合組策略聯盟,發展雲端服務。

Commercial Times Daily 工商時報 - IBM、清大合設雲端中心
2009/11/03 工商時報/A15/科技要聞黃智銘


IBM於7年前開始發展雲端技術,目前雲端大廠如Google都曾與IBM 合作發展雲端技術,由於中國大力發展雲端技術,IBM也在中國投入大量資源,例如IBM與無錫當地政府就一同合作開發雲端技術,提供 SaaS(軟體即服務)等服務,給大陸中小企業。


看好這種發展模式,台灣清華大學也選擇與IBM合作,服務科學研究所所長林福仁教授表示,清華大學在經濟部學研計畫的支持下,致力於「服務開放創新實驗(Service Open Innovation Lab;SOIL)」的專案研究。TOP

AppleDaily 蘋果日報 - IBM微軟拼雲端 電子4哥爽
廣達華碩搶進 緯創英業達伺服器受惠
2009/11/03 蘋果日報/B4/財經王郁倫、張家豪

雲端運算服務(Cloud Computing)在網路頻寬建設發展成熟下,成為未來3~5年熱門商機,IBM(國際商業機器)昨來台發表盤古雲端服務平台。微軟本周也將宣布在台設立雲端運算技術中心,結合台灣硬體科技大廠結盟合作,目前包括廣達(2382)、華碩(2357)都已宣布成立團隊掌握商機脈動,法人預期伺服器代工廠緯創(3231)、英業達(2356)、廣達將率先受惠。








ZDNet - 清大與IBM合作探討雲端商營模式
2009/11/02 ZDNet/新聞專區蔡宜秀,2000085678,20142500,00.htm

不要微軟或Google,清大表示將以IBM的雲端平台--盤古雲端平台(Pangoo Platform)--為基礎,發展可行的雲端服務商營模式。

清華大學服務科學研究所所長兼教授林福仁今(2)日表示,該單位之所以會選用IBM的盤古雲端平台,而非微軟的Azure、Google的App Engine或者是Amazon.com的AWS,與IBM已成功的透過盤古雲端平台協助中國無錫軟體園區的獨立軟體開發商推出軟體即服務(SaaS),以及清華大學自2006年開始即與IBM在服務科學領域有著密切的互動關係等2個因素有關。


清華大學服務科學研究所在經濟部學研計畫的支持下,於今(09)年9月展開一項名為「服務開放創新實驗(SOIL)」的專案計畫。在該專案計畫裡,該單位將以IBM的盤古雲端平台--架在WAS、DB 2與Tivoli等IBM產品上的平台即服務(PaaS)產品--為底層,廣邀產學界一同在盤古雲端平台上測試、驗證各項雲端服務,並設法從中找到可行的商營模式。


IBM強調盤古雲端平台的進入門檻極低。IBM中國研究院副院長黃瑩表示,別於其他廠商的雲端平台僅支援某幾項特定的程式語言,IBM的盤古雲端平台是走服務導向架構)(SOA),且有提供Service Adapter與Data Adapter供獨立軟體開發商(ISV)與系統整合商(SI)將軟體產品橋接至盤古雲端平台上,因此ISV與SI進入盤古雲端平台的門檻並不高,只需微調軟體而非全部重寫。


台灣微軟則表示Windows Azure的進入門檻並不高。

台灣微軟開發工具暨平台推廣處總經理劉念臻表示,由於Windows Azure是遵循簡單物件存取(SOAP)這個標準,因此只要軟體廠商也是以此標準作為資料交換的協定,即可與Windows Azure交換資料。

「更重要的是,Windows Azure除可支援.Net外,還可支援Eclipse、Ruby、PHP 與 Python 第三方工具及程式語言,」他如是說道。

Google表示將依照使用者需求逐步增加支援的程式語言與平台功能。Google台灣工程師鄭依桓表示,Google App Engine的本意是在提供開發人員開發的網路應用程式的Back-end基礎建設,因此,開發人員無須擔憂App Engine在擴充性與穩定性等方面的表現。

「至於在程式語言與平台功能等面向,就像Google聽取開發人員的意見,開始在App Engine上支援Java語言一樣,只要開發人員向Google提出需求,即可能新增該功能。」他如是說。TOP

iThome Online - IBM與清華大學合作引進雲端服務平台
2009/11/02 iThome online 蘇文彬 (PChome Online轉載)



這項合作計劃引進IBM在中國無錫建立的盤古雲端服務平台,供清華大學服務科學研究所「服務開放創新實驗」(Service Open Innovation Lab,SOIL)專案研究使用,未來號召國內獨立軟體業者、服務供應商共同加入,研究、探尋可能在IBM雲端平台上提供的雲端服務、營運模式。







Central News Agency 中央社 - 清大引進IBM雲端平台 發展台灣服務設計業
2009/11/02 中央社 潘淑婷 (yam天空轉載) (大紀元時報轉載)

清大今天指出,已引進IBM 「盤古雲端服務平台」,將協助有意創新、放眼國際市場的業者透過雲端架構,開發創新服務模式,打造台灣的服務設計業。



清大在經濟部學研計劃下,正進行「服務開放創新實驗」 (SOIL)的研究方案,希望藉由SOIL發掘服務機會、創造營運原型並評估成效;而引進雲端運算平台,則是希望降低服務網路中的資訊交換成本,加速服務上市。

清大指出,選擇和IBM合作,除了是因清大自2006年起持續與IBM在服務科學領域上合作,更重要是IBM 7月就已在中國無錫建立盤古雲端服務平台,擁有與軟體開發商和服務供應商的合作經驗,可供台灣參考。


Central News Agency 中央社 - IBM發表雲端運算中國經驗 將引進台灣
2009/11/02 中央社 潘淑婷 (自由電子報轉載) (sina新聞轉載),HD (台灣英文新聞轉載)

雲端運算被視為明年全球十大企業科技趨勢之首;IBM今天發表「盤古雲端服務平台」在中國無錫的案例,並宣布與清大合作,將IBM 雲端技術引進台灣。




黃瑩表示,盤古雲端服務平台強調企業無須改變太多語言環境,就能直接轉換至雲端平台,且相較其他大廠推出的雲端運算,IBM 不僅提供基礎建設服務,也提供應用、商業營運領域的服務。


據研究機構Gartner最新發表的「2010年全球前10大企業科技趨勢預測」,雲端運算名列第一;包括微軟、亞馬遜、IBM等資訊大廠也紛紛投入雲端運算的技術和應用。以IBM為例,去年9月底就已在全球設立13座雲端運算中心。TOP 聯合新聞網 - IBM公開盤古雲端服務平台

IBM今日邀請IBM中國研究院副院長黃瑩博士來台,揭櫫雲端運算(Cloud Computing)最佳案例「盤古雲端服務平台」架構與應用;清華大學也表示將引進IBM的雲端建置經驗,與業者發展創新的雲端服務平台,提供中小企業整合安全的雲端服務。


CNYes 鉅亨網 - 清大將引進IBM雲端經驗為中小企業提供服務
2009/11/02 鉅亨網 馬瑞璿\NEWSBASE\20091102\WEB2933&cls=&date=20091102&time=21:51:01 (華視和台視網站轉載)

IBM (IBM-US) 今天首度在台公開中國無錫盤古雲端服務平台的架構和營運模式,IBM 指出,這個營運平台可以提供獨立軟體開發商、服務供應、平台營運商一個低成本、高效率、可擴充及高安全性的環境。而清華大學今天亦一同宣布,將引進 IBM 雲端建置經驗,並與台灣資訊業者共同開發雲端服務平台,未來,將提供予中小企業使用。

IBM 中國研究院副院長黃瑩指出,IBM 盤古雲端服務平台是一個基於網路運作的中小企業服務交付平台,當初決定在無錫軟體區建置該平台,主要是希望它能夠提供獨立軟體開發商、服務供應商或平台營運商一個低成本、高效率、可擴充及高安全性的營運平台,更重要的是,將可以為中小企業提供低價、使用方便的線上管理軟體,加速實現資訊數位化和網路化目標。

黃瑩進一步解釋,IBM 的盤古雲端服務之所以能成功,主要歸功於大規模多租戶管理、高效營運管理、網路應用安全保護、用戶登入帳號 (ID) 集中管理以及軟體即服務 (SaaS) 等 6 項關鍵因素。

IBM 盤古雲端服務的成功,也讓清華大學決定引進IBM 的雲端建置經驗。

清華大學服務科學研究所所長林福仁表示,清華大學在經濟部學研計畫的支持下,正致力於「服務開放創新實驗 (Service Open Innovation Lab;SOIL)」專案研究。SOIL是能評估創新服務的平台,也是虛擬管理開放創新的單位;藉由 SOIL,可以用來發掘新服務機會、創造服務原型和評估服務模式的成效。

林福仁說,盤古雲端服務平台對於 SOIL 來說,可降低在服務價值網絡中的資訊交換成本,並提供透明的市場環境,讓網路服務開發商在全球及區域市場相互競爭及合作,亦可促成實驗能更快進入原型階段,評定不同人口所提供的服務品質。

林福仁指出,清華大學自 2006 年起即與 IBM 在服務科學領域有密切的合作,加上 IBM 在全球有眾多雲端服務成功案例,因此決定引進 IBM 雲端建置經驗,與台灣資訊業者共同發展開放創新的雲端服務平台,希望藉由該平台整合中小企業的營運模式,促進國內資訊產業在雲端服務的蓬勃發展。


Information Security 資安人 - 臺灣企業的未來在服務 一腳踏進雲端
2009/11/02 資安人 吳依恂

近日IBM盤古雲端服務平台與國立清華大學服務科學研究所共同開發新的雲端服務平台,而這正是經濟部學研計畫的「服務開放創新實驗平台(SOIL, Service Open Innovation Lab)」,該計畫主要是將獨立軟體廠商(ISV, Independent software vendor)裡既有的應用與服務,以服務為導向,整合到雲端平台。



而不管是在台灣或大陸,雲端服務平台的安全性都是眾家企業所關注的,黃瑩說目前盤古雲端平台設有網頁應用程式防火牆,在網路層級作層次分析,針對一些http request攻擊,例如SQL Injection等,來比對特徵來阻擋,目前大約已能阻擋約30類的攻擊。他認為,聯合運作於雲端平台上,不僅在成本上,在安全性上至少也比各中小 ISV業者獨自運作來得好。TOP

Awakerning News Networking 台灣醒報 - 清大引雲端服務設計 嘉惠產學界
2009/11/03 台灣醒報楊舒婷

「各產業就像分子,透過結盟合作,藉著雲端降到『土壤』裡。」清華大學服務科學研究所教授林福仁以水循環作喻,於今(2)日介紹與 IBM合作、運用其盤古雲端服務科技,設立暱稱「土壤(SOIL)」的「服務開放創新實驗」專案,希望各產業能藉此評估服務成效、發掘新的服務機會並發展原型。未來將以政府推動的六大新興產業為目標。

「過去有產品設計,未來我們也需要服務設計。」林福仁表示,清華大學的「服務開放創新實驗」專案(Service Open Innovation Lab),除了將廣納學界點子並加以實現,也可提供服務給台灣中小企業,進行開發或測試。廠商可進一步分析自己的服務市場,評估服務模式的成效,再進而開發新的服務雛型。





Epoch Times 大紀元時報 - IBM 首次在台公開「盤古雲端服務平台」


IBM首次在台揭曉雲端運算(Cloud Computing)最佳案例「盤古雲端服務平台」架構與應用;而國立清華大學亦著眼於雲端運算對未來商業服務模式的衝擊和變革,率國內其他學府之先,引進IBM的雲端建置經驗,將台灣資訊業者共同發展開放創新的雲端服務平台,提供中、小企業整合安全的雲端服務,共創未來商機。


雲端計算(Cloud Computing)今年備受IT業界矚目,強調終端使用者使用簡易設備,透過網路,使用遠端資料中心的儲存及運算能力。使用者依據需求,可彈性租用遠端設備,節省IT建置成本。

清華大學服務科學研究所所長林福仁教授表示,清華大學在經濟部學研計畫的支持下,正致力於「服務開放創新實驗(Service Open Innovation Lab; SOIL)」的專案研究。SOIL是能評估創新服務的平台,也是虛擬管理開放創新的單位,藉由SOIL,可以用來發現新服務機會、創新服務原型和評估服務模型的成效。




Halloween 2009

This year, we had another successful reception of Halloweeners: 55 kids and teens from the neighborhood visited us. Both hosts and visitors were happy and peaceful, with only treats and no tricks.

After ten pounds of candies were distributed and outdoor lights were distinguished, the whole family (Nick, Lee Anne, Paul and I) finally sat down and started our early birthday celebrations for Paul.

Happy Birthday, Paul and Happy Halloween 2009 for All!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Library Volunteer

Pippin is the newest library volunteer. Set design and photo courtesy of Lee Anne at Bancroft Library.

Coexistence between Chippy and Bugaboo

Courtesy of Lee Anne at Bancroft Library, we have found a true truce between a cat and a hamster. Apparently the cat, curious as she might be, is more interested in her own blanket outside the window.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Book Review: Pathways to the past: adventures in Santa Cruz County history

Pathways to the past: adventures in Santa Cruz County history by Alverda Orlando and 21 other contributors.
2009, 279 pages, illustrated, Museum of Art and History at the McPherson Center, Santa Cruz, CA.

Pathways to the past is not the first book on the history of Santa Cruz County. As a matter of fact, at the time of this writing, Santa Cruz Public Libraries' catalog alone shows 135 titles on its history from early ones like Illustrations of Santa Cruz County, California, with historical sketch (1879), to recent publications like Letters (1844-1891) of Coleman Purcell Younger and his son Charles Bruce Younger Sr. and their correspondents (2008). However, it is the first book to cover the founding histories of major areas in the county, such as the North Coast, Santa Cruz Mountains, and the cities of Santa Cruz, Capitola and Watsonville. Apart from its coverage of place origins, the book, through a rich well of primary sources, puts a great emphasis on the people, either forgotten or never known to us today, most notably Michael Lodge, the overlooked pioneer, John Howard Watson, the elusive judge, and Lillian A. Howard, the mysterious artist.

Pathways is characterized by its comprehensiveness in its subject coverage, from Steele Brothers' cheese to the Santa Cruz egg laying contest, 1918-1931, from the Auto Tree to Pogonip Polo Club, from early artists to photographers and architects, and from the introduction of spiritualism to government buildings (the Santa Cruz Post Office and its mural artist Henrietta Shore). Another notable characteristic is that all articles included are exhaustively researched by the authorities on the subjects, such as Alverda Orlando on The Deefense of Davenport, Paul Tutwiler on Georgiana Bruce Kirby (and later, organized spiritualism in Santa Cruz), Stanley D. Stevens on pioneering photographers, and Carolyn Swift on Capitola chronology. Even though the book is a compilation of two-dozen articles written by 22 contributors, readers will hardly notice a difference in style and tone. This is largely due to expert and painstaking editing by Joan Gilbert Martin and two other editors. Each article was checked and edited at least three times.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Scholarly Citations Received

I. Learning Library 2.0: 23 Things @SCPL
1.Bibliography - Library 2.0, University of British Columbia, Health Library
2. Book of Abstracts, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries QQML2009
3. Web 2.0 與兒童閱讀之行銷︰公共圖書館的角色 = Marketing Children's Reading Programs in the Web 2.0 Era: the Role of Public Libraries, 王美玉 (Mei-Yu Wang), 玄奘大學圖書資訊學系副教授 (Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Hsuan Chuang University)

II. Library Innovations in the 21st Century: An International Perspective
1. 21st Century Libraries: Trends and Innovations, Targeting the Trends, Bibliography for the 2008 ACRL/NY Symposium
2. Libr 200 - Tash Readings, Prof. Tash, S (King Course Reserves), Tuesday, July 24, 2007.
3. Статті з зарубіжної періодики: бібліотечна тематика, ІІІ кв. 2007

Thursday, May 14, 2009

After I've Loved You so Long: a Film Review

Last night, my husband Paul and I finally watched I've loved you so long (Original title: Il y a longtemps que je t'aime), a 2008 French feature film directed by Philippe Claudel. Despite its English subtitles, it reaches the audience deeper and further than many a movie in English. The power it exerts on audience is seen on multiple-levels:
1) International flavor. Look at Léa's, the younger sister's family. It consists of almost part of the Union Nations: Léa (Elsa Zylberstein) herself is half-French and half-English; husband Luc is half-Polish and Half-Russian, and two adopted daughters are Vietnamese. Among her friends are her Iraqi physician and his beloved family. But for some mysterious reason, a powerful feeling transcends all these racial differences. What we see is purely basic human nature, instead of superficial differences in facial features;
2) Human love. Léa's family attracts all love-deprived characters: Luc's mute father Papy Paul, two young Vietnamese girls, and newly released elder sister Juliette (Kristin Scott Thomas) who served 15 years' prison sentence for the murder of her own 6-year-old son. The love displayed is extremely tender: Papy Paul's loving and understanding look at the eloquent P'tit Lys, and quiet Juliette; Juliette's later patience at teaching her bigger niece with piano lessons; and the shot of Iraqi physician's hand around Léa's back when the latter consulted him on a rare disease case for her nephew;
3) Human understandings. The plot of I've loved you so long is not complicated: the true story of Léa's nephew's death, i.e., an act of euthanasia by his own mother. But through the unentanglement of the truth, we have traced a path of human understandings between parole officers and parolee; between sisters; husband and wife, daughters and parents, aunt and niece, and between the silent Juliette and her newly-acquainted coworkers & boss, etc.;
4) Powerful acting. The acting, especially by Kristin Scott Thomas, is unusually minimal. Her expressionless eyes tell most of the story itself.
5) Positive message. The film sends a very positive message to its audience: life is hard, and love is not easy to obtain, but hopes are still there. We just need to try a little harder.

No wonder I had such a hard time falling asleep after experiencing all these powers!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Farm Animals in Afghans

Thanks to Paul's faithful and timely photography, I have so far created a number of farm animals on my Afghans. I am sure they will be joined by more not only in numbers, but also in species in the near future. Happy knitting! The following is a sideshow:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Review : The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Upon Gail's strong recommendation and kind provision of the book, I started to embark on the reading of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. However I had a slow start. For some reason, I was deterred by its format consisting of letters or correspondence between the protagonist Juliet Ashton, and various other characters in and outside the Society. The format itself is a little distracting, and one does have to keep track of who is who.

After a dozen of the letters, which formed a preliminary character network, I began to grow fond of the book. My husband and I happened to watch Enemy at the door, a 1977 TV series on the German occupation of Guernsey, Channel Islands in World War II. Typical stories and social issues then are again faithfully reflected in the book, such as Jerrybags, Todt slave/prisoner workers, curfew, food scarcity, etc. To keep such local flavor intact is one of the beauties of the book.

The book has also explored the single-minded thirst of the Society members to pursue rich knowledge and literature during the bleak time period of German occupation. Through Juliet's researching in London, the authors have cleverly introduced both the origin and history of Guernsey, and the formation of simple but unique characteristics of Guernsey islanders. If your interest is still unquenched after the reading, you might want to pick some titles from my brief bibliography on the island.

A final point about the book is that Mary Ann Shaffer, one of the two authors, worked in many professions, and one of them is being a librarian. She has succeeded in demystifying the myth that librarians only read and cannot write.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Brief Bibliography on Guernsey, Channel Islands

1. Bihet, Molly.
Reflections of Guernsey.
St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands : M. Bihet, 1993.
2. Gallienne, Osmond, 1914-
My life in Guernsey : autobiography.
Guernsey : O. Gallienne, c1999.
3. Hocart, Richard.
Peter de Havilland : Bailiff of Guernsey : a history of his life, 1747-1821.
St. Peter Port, Guernsey : Société guernesiaise, 1997.
4. Leightley, Mark, 1954-
A portrait of Guernsey : in celebration of the year 2000.
Guernsey : Mark Leightley, c1999.
5. Marr, L. James.
Guernsey between the wars : an islander recalls his youth.
Guernsey : Toucan Press, 2000.
6. Sebire, Heather.
From antiquary to archaeologist : Frederick Corbin of Lukis of Guernsey.
Newcastle, UK : Cambridge Scholars Pub., 2007.


1. Binding, Tim.
Lying with the enemy (original title: Island madness).
New York : Carroll & Graf, 1999.
2. Edwards, G. B. (Gerald Basil), 1899-1976.
The book of Ebenezer le Page.
New York : New York Review Books, [2007]
3. George, Elizabeth, 1949-
A place of hiding.
New York : Bantam Books, 2003.
4. Murray, Frances.
New York : Scribner, c1978.
5. Parkinson, C. Northcote (Cyril Northcote), 1909-1993.
Dead reckoning.
Ithaca, N.Y. : McBooks Press, 2003.
6. Parkinson, C. Northcote (Cyril Northcote), 1909-1993.
Devil to pay.
Ithaca, N.Y. : McBooks Press, 2001.
7. Parkinson, C. Northcote (Cyril Northcote), 1909-1993.
Ithaca, N.Y. : McBooks Press, 2001.
8. Saunders, Jean, 1932-
A perfect marriage.
London : Robert Hale, 2002.
9. Shaffer, Mary Ann, & Annie Barrows.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
New York, N.Y. : The Dial Press, 2008.

1. Enemy at the door (DVD; 2 series: 26 episodes)
Thousand Oaks, CA : Goldhil Video, 2002
2. Island at war (DVD)
Silver Spring, MD : Acorn Media, 2005

1. Bihet, Molly.
Child's war.
Guernsey : M. Bihet, 1985.
2. Cortvriend, V. V.
Isolated island; a history and personal reminiscences of the German occupation of the island of Guernsey, June 1940-May 1945.
Guernsey, Guernsey Star and Gazette [1949]
3. Manning, John.
Glimpses of Guernsey : interesting stories and traditions of the Bailiwick.
Guernsey, Channel Islands : Guernsey Press, 1995.
4. Marr, L. James.
A history of the Bailiwick of Guernsey : the islanders' story.
London : Phillimore, 1982.
5. Stroobant, Frank.
One man's war.
Guernsey : Burbridge, 1999.
6. Tupper, Ferdinand Brock.
The history of Guernsey and its bailiwick; with occasional notices of Jersey.
Guernsey, Printed by S. Barbet, 1854.

Sourced from Library of Congress & Santa Cruz Public Libraries.

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