
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Seeing the Phantom of the Opera

This morning, several colleagues of mine asked me how my NY trip was. Needless to say, seeing the Phantom of the Opera in the Majestic Theater is one of the highlights of the trip.

Thanks to Hui and Wendy, Paul and I hopped on to the train from Station Croton/Harmon to Grand Central on the mid-afternoon of December 15, 2009. The train ride was by no means dull, accompanied first by a singing man in the compartment, and then Hudson River all the way outside the windows.

Before the show, we spotted a humble but authentic Italian pizza place around the corner of the theater. Afterwords, we stayed in the one of the lines for the opening. According to the security guide, we were very lucky to have a temperature 20 degrees higher, rather than lower that evening.

The show was fantastic, with a full and international audience. We were surrounded by many languages, German, Russian, Italian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, etc. According to the official version, the Phantom is "Winner of 7 1988 Tony Awards including Best Musical, and now the longest-running show in Broadway history." To explore more, please go to its official website.

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