
Saturday, May 14, 2011

James Durbin Going to Santa Cruz Boardwalk

Paul and I decided to join Santa Cruzans to welcome home James Durbin, American Idol's newest reject this afternoon. As it happened, we drove by Louden Nelson Community Center and saw a big crowd cheering Durbin who showed himself on the second floor with his guitar from time to time. We parked our RAV-4 and proceeded to the Boardwalk. As the concert goers were too numerous for us to have any decent view, we left and found ourselves a roomy beach bench.

Paul told me that it was the best site, for it would be the route for Durbin to go through to the stage. After an hour's wait, we saw the formal band parading first, flanked by many police cars and then 4X4s and fire trucks. I actually screamed and waved enthusiastically at Durbin who waved at us beach crowd. Here is one of the pictures taken by Titangos Photography Studio:

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