
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Backyard Chickens for Sustainable Life

Paul forwarded me a WSJ article entitled Cooped Up: Chickens Come Home to Roost for Urbanites With a Yen for Hen.

As a chicken lover throughout my childhood, I read the whole article with great relish. It is very informative about chicken tours going on in Austin, Texas (the Funky Chicken Coop Tour), Dallas (A Peep at the Coops) and Portland, Ore. (the Tour de Coops). Other cities like Seattle, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Madison, Wis., Bend, Ore., Davis., Calif. have their own chicken tours. According to the article, urban chicken caretakers have now more than 100,000 members on on July 27, doubling its membership from last year.

Personality-wise, chickens are more like cats. Unlike affectionate ducks (and dogs), they like to be fed and left alone. As for food, they tend to prefer pasta (and rice) to bread. I am wondering if it has anything to do with their sharp and accurate beaks. Bread crumbs do tend to be sticky on their tongues.

More and more city dwellers are taken on the idea of raising chicken in their back- or front-yards. It does sound an idyllic lifestyle, if they can collect eggs everyday straight from their chicken coops. No wonder Henry Crabbe (Richard Griffiths) is always reluctant to go back to his detective duties in Pie in the Sky! It seems that only those chickens can restore his sanity if he ever returns from his cases.

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