
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Chasing ISS Two Days in a Row

Last Friday and Saturday (April 15-16), two days in a row, Paul and I went to East Cliff to watch and chase ISS' route over Santa Cruz. They were different experiences for us.

The Friday's chase was such an easy one with a dark and clear sky at 8:55 pm. As the route was advantageously high, we spotted it right away the moment it appeared below a treetop, and watched it disappearing into the sky minutes later.

The Saturday's chase was an entirely different experience with big patches of clouds all over the dusky sky at 8:05 pm. It was Paul who spotted ISS, but it was already over our heads then. It did not disappoint us though. It shone over the cloudy darkness and moved forward, with a resolute and clear goal.

At that moment I wished that our life would be like ISS' clearly charted routes. Strangely speaking, life is almost similar: sometimes it is easy, sometimes it is not. But we always need a goal in mind, without which we will be headless and rootless.

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