
Sunday, December 20, 2020

Happy Birthday, Paulie!

 Paulie, our little grandson, is three years old today! 

It has been a beautiful day with dazzling blue sky and shimmering warm sunshine. At 4:00 pm, Paul and I finally stopped our work on hand for a while to start our daily walk. On hearing some buzz above, we saw four single prop airplanes making various formations in the sky. As if determined to accompany our walk, they dipped up and down, far and near, but never left us for a second. Joining them were clans of crows flying westward to their roosts. What a busy Sunday afternoon!

As if it were not busy enough, Nick called to coordinate a birthday party for Paulie on FaceTime. There would be three families together, his family of four in Pleasanton, Kumsil, Joseph and Nancy down in San Diego, and Paul and me in Santa Cruz. 

Courtesy of Titangos Photography

As planned, we heard FaceTime ringing shortly after 5:00 pm. Chatting, and laughing, Leni and Paulie occupied the whole camera, while five adults, Papou, two grandmas, uncle and aunt, were admiring them approvingly and indulgently. Both kids were so excited at the anticipation of a birthday cake made of chocolate and cream. Paulie duly made a wish, blew out his candle, and got down to his business of eating cake, and opening his birthday presents which turned out to be a miniature car and fire truck. He was simply in seventh heaven. This is the first year Paulie was able to grasp the meaning of a birthday celebration, and Leni could help her little brother by opening the gift wrapping and playing with the vehicles.

The party was dispersed soon afterwards, after exchanges of love and wishes for all, and over 60 screen captures from Paul. Cannot wait to see them.

Happy Birthday, Paulie. Happy work anniversary to me. Paulie not only shares my Year of the Chicken, but also the memorable day of December 20th when I started to work for SCPL in 1999.

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