
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hitchcockian Birds and Anchovia Abundance

Last Sunday afternoon, Paul and I decided to shake off our dispirited mood by revisiting Pleasure Point. Moments later we watched Hitchcockian birds re-playing before our eyes: the whole bay was populated with a great variety of birds, most of them are seagulls, perching on bluffs, standing on water, or flapping their white or grey wings on sudden impact. It turns out that there has been another return of anchovies feast recently.

As mysterious as Hitchcockian birds, those birds flew home and disappeared as soon as the darkness set in. On our way back, there was not a single bird in sight. Luckily, Paul caught a glimpse of feasting birds with his movies above.


laughingdragonwaterdragon said...

Hi Hui-Lan,
I read about the anchovies. Yum!

laughingdragonwaterdragon said...

Hi Hui-Lan,
I read about the anchovies. Yum!

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