
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Our Encore Reunion with Screen International

On 6 May 2015 on the 3rd floor of Meichentiandi, four of us met, Fan, my former boss, Wang, my former colleague, Paul and I. We got together the first time as editors of Screen international, a film magazine by Chinese Filmmakers' Association.

Mr. Fan treated us to our reunion dinner. We had a great time, reminiscent of our time spent at Dianying xin zuo which hired almost exclusively new graduates from Fudan University, Shanghai Teachers' University and Shanghai University. Unfortunately, starting from the mid-eighties, we became restless and started to plan to study in countries such as America, Australia, and Japan. Four out of 14 editors were left behind and their positions were later merged with other journals or studios.

That evening, we had an unexpected guest joining us. As a former intern at our editorial department, Mr. Ren is now the head of Shanghai Animation Studio, and director of Creation Department of Shanghai Film Studio. Before the dinner ended, Ren extended us an invitation to visit his newly opened Shanghai Film Archive. We all welcomed this encore reunion of sorts.

The following Wednesday, May 13, we visited the archive. Afterwards, Wang acted as our host by driving us across the river to Pudong, walking and having coffee by the water's edge at  Riverside Promenade (Bingjiang Da Dao), a counterpart of the Shanghai Bund. At dusk, he took three of us to the Ritz-Carlton and treated us to an exotic dinner there. That was a life-changing experience: we saw not only a 270 degree panoramic view of the Shanghai scene, but also how the topmost class in Shanghai live and experience luxurious leisure.

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