
Saturday, October 6, 2007

On Free Flickr Account

I have been experimenting with Flickr for a couple of weeks now. While fascinated with its flexible and friendly display features, I have noticed a few limitations in this application, especially when you have a free account: 1) You are limited to only 3 sets per account; 2) Your photos are all set to PUBLIC by default, unless you change the setting; 3) Your photos are accepted in .jpg format only; and 4) You have to know where you are when modifying and changing your sets. Online HELP is very limited, which includes its Upload interface.

I am very curious about other users' feedback. Constructive suggestions and advice are welcome.

1 comment:

carpelogos said...

It does seem that the limitations are pressing one to open a paid account, since there are limits on storage and uploading per month. I wonder if it would make sense for the branches to open paid accounts to which staff can upload photos that are work-related?

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