
Sunday, October 14, 2007

RSS in Google's Blog & Bloglines: Camry & Cadillac

Thanks to Jessica Goodman's generous and tireless help, I have managed to add a number of RSS feeds in both Google's Blog and Bloglines. I have to admit that I like both accounts. The only difference they have is like the difference between Camry and Cadillac. While both luxurious in their interiors, the former is very economic with gas mileage, whereas the latter, drinks a little more gas.

I found RSS in Google's blog more graphic-orientated, built with blocks, i.e., page elements. The end-display can be at once concise, and informative if you configure all three options (items, item dates and item sources/authors). You can move those RSS feeds any place you desire on the screen, just like a nimble Camry.

Bloglines' RSS, on the other hand, is more roomy, with a big screen dedicated to it. It is also easier to ADD, DELETE and many other options, just as Cadillacs pamper their drivers with abundant luxuries.

With so many options available, I very much like to consolidate my blogs and RSS feeds in one place, instead of writing and reading in many places, such as Google's Blog, Bloglines, my home and officer Firefox Toolbar Folders. A blog link seems to be one solution; but a window reflecting each other's content and updates would be more ideal.

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